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Black Magic Darling - A 1626 SE Tube Amp
Dec 31, 2011 at 02:14 PM

This is a long term project, I had all parts sleeping in my drawer for more than five years. So many things like a new home, a dismissal and death prevented me to put any hand on this little amplifier.

The biggest challenge when starting a DIY project is to find a sexy housing and to do the metal works on it afterwards.

For the darling it is gonna be a Hammond aluminium chassis:


Since I'm not going to experiment with the circuit I have decided to go for a PCB. It is a massive piece of bread (2mm thick, 70μm copper) being just a little bit bigger than the euro-format PCBs, perfectly fitting into the chassis:


This amplifier is based on a Western Electric 717A pentode (the little doorknob) and the 1626 triode manufactured by RCA, the circuit is designed by Gerd Reinhoefer who also delivered the mains and output transformers. The bias for the 1626 triode is set at 25milliamps:


Finally, everything in done:


Last Updated ( Jan 02, 2012 at 02:56 PM )
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