Nov 27, 2014 at 09:43 PM |
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After some days of use: The counter struggles incrementing when a carry shall happen: 009 -> 010 doesn't work properly anymore. Instead some clicking noise is noticed.
To check, the front panel has to be removed and the suspect is visible:
The attached belt seems to be ok - after unplugging the belt the issue can be reproduced by turning the counter wheel.
To stop the annoying counter-clicks, the counter has to be removed until a replacement is available. Since removing the belt would require some more disassembly I decided to fix it:
Re-assembling the front cover is a tricky part - the four knobs swing and turn below the cover. They require some fixation before applying the front again:
Counter is gone
and needs furhter analysis
Last Updated ( Dec 18, 2014 at 04:59 PM )